Foul-mouthed, fat, ugly middle aged men with a camera sit in what appears to be a small . . . closet?
Sound appealing? Perhaps if you're into wickedly weird orgies.
Fortunately for Youtube viewers Ben, Scotty, and (sometimes) TJ keep their shirts on. For a few hours a week these three (mostly) entertain the masses by discussing the creepy shit people post online while convincingly drunk.
Most often they scrutinize conspiracy theorists, christian fundamentalists, and bullshit in the news. These guys tend to pair comedy with logical quips of witticism surprisingly well. It took me a few episodes to come around since Drunken Peasants is an acquired taste, but now I admit it's hilarious.
My favorite concept of the show is the guests/ victims who either agree to chat with them or their videos are commandeered for our viewing pleasure. They break down each video or guest and turn it into a perceptive joke, but the logic behind their jokes runs deeper than simply making fun of a stupid idea.
Guests or regulars featured on the show are many popular gamers on Youtube with play-allongs.
Also, super right-winged- religious fanatics - self-proclaimed "ministers" or "preachers" with crack-pot, inconceivably bizarre ideas are often featured on the show, which is really entertaining because every week these crazy religious fanatics with internet access and a camera post something new and completely strange. The Peasants dive into their bizarre content and rip it apart with the logic that these fanatics lack.
Such guests include G-Man - who claims slavery should be legal because slavery is in the bible. Mind you - the man is black. Also, he claims there are no starving Christian children in the world.
Bret Keane - a very unpopular christian fundamentalist who just posts weird random shit
The Vigilant Christian, Mario - SO FUNNY! This guy scans through everything in eye-sight for triangles and calls it Illuminati subliminal messaging, or interprets pop culture icons, music, and etc. as Illuminati agents planting a new world order agenda in our brains. Hilarious.
G-Man Johnny - an aging hippie rapping while on LSD. Need I say more?
The Creationist Cat - a satirical cat claiming to talk to God.
And a Canadian PhD named Jean-Francois, a bio-evolution scientist - Frankly, this guy is a genius and one of the leading scientists in his field . . . what the hell is he doing with the Drunken Peasants? They bring him on the show to rebuke the creationism backers in some kind of commentary/debate. But, most of the time "J.F." sits there quietly while the Peasants rant and occasionally chimes in with a very thick French accent. Although, compared to the Peasants, JF is very pleasant to look at.
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